Through my own years of trial and error, I’ve developed methods and strategies that have allowed me to heal a painful past and work towards manifesting the life I desire. I was born in California, but my formative years were all in Toronto, Canada. In 2015, I moved to Dallas, Texas where I currently reside with my son. In 2022, after yet another failed relationship, I found myself hitting rock bottom emotionally and mentally, and realized I needed to take action to heal myself. 

On Christmas Eve, I sat with tears streaming down my face, making a pledge that I never wanted to experience this kind of pain and sadness again. Initially, I attempted to win back my ex after a tough breakup, but soon realized that my focus had been completely misplaced. Instead, I decided to concentrate on rebuilding myself. 

I want to start by saying that I see you and I once was you. I know what it feels like to feel lost and not know where to start.

I’m a mother, mentor and manifesting generator here to provide you with guidance and support of pursuing your highest self. I aim to help you break free from a limiting past and show you how to turn your biggest dreams into reality.

Your Mindset &  Life Coach

hi, i'm veronica!

I approach life with gratitude and a profound appreciation for where I am and where I’m going. 2023 was when it all changed. I was determined to rediscover who I truly was and I remind myself daily that I am worthy of living a life I’ve only once dreamt of.

I stopped operating in survival mode and began to thrive in my daily life.

I learned to accept my past, and identify and manage my emotional triggers.

I began with the intention of understanding why I struggled with emotional control when faced with rejection. Through my own self-discovery journey, I identified that my patterns and belief systems were deeply rooted in my traumatic childhood experiences. I also discovered that I had never given myself the opportunity to address my inner wounds, nor develop the fundamentals of setting my boundaries. As I sat with my darkness, I learned some invaluable lessons.




In 2015, I moved from Toronto, Canada to Dallas, Texas to start a new life.


As a former professional athlete, I took a bold leap and launched an organic meal prep business.


In September of 2020, my son Noah was born and life as I knew it, would never be the same


Found myself hitting "rock bottom" after getting out of a very toxic relationship.


Recognized my need for change and embarked on a journey to heal my inner wounds and become my best self.


living my best life!

view next

Every challenge I faced along the way was a lesson I needed to learn. The tears, the pain, the mis-steps; they were all part of a bigger plan. And that’s where my holistic life coaching comes in. Ultimately, my purpose is to help others heal from their past and gain a deeper insight into who they were, who they are now and who they want to be. 

I am able to leverage my past experiences and connect with others to provide them with the tools and resources necessary to transform their inner wounds into self-mastery. I believe that everyone has the potential to be the best version of themselves, but sometimes they need a little guidance to get there. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to help others on their journey. I truly am living in my purpose and honored my path lead me here.

Everything I went through brought me to where I am in life.

how my life is currently going...

let's chat!

I’m incredibly happy to be here with you and remember, you being here is no coincidence. If any of my story resonated with you, please feel free to reach out as I would love to connect and learn more about you.

And want to turn your biggest, most advantageous dreams into reality, then you are in the right place. 

If you are feeling called to make big life changes
























living room

drag to create your own!


“Working with Veronica helped me realize that I was holding on to a lot negative feelings towards a parental figure in my life. I didn’t realize just how much my anger towards this person had affected both my personal and professional life. Throughout our sessions, she opened up my eyes to the importance of forgiving and letting go. Being able to clear these blocks allowed a heavy weight to be lifted off my chest, and I now feel a profound sense of freedom to go after what I want in life. I no longer feel trapped by my past and that was a huge win for me.”

She opened up my eyes to the importance of forgiving and letting go

Transparency is at the center of how I operate. In order to serve my community in the most authentic way, I will always be honest, compassionate and understanding to remain true to who I am.


In order to get you to where you want to be, you must first align yourself with the energies of where you want to go. By letting go of what is no longer serving you, you create the necessary space to allow what is meant for you to come through.


The journey to living your most authentic life can often feel lonely. Through my guidance and support, I remain committed to my community to ensure you feel seen, heard and encouraged to grow into the person you truly desire.


(that i'll never compromise on)


let's get started

You can heal from your past, You can feel worthy of love and freedom, You can create a life you love You can have , do and be anything you want.

I will guide you and show you the way.

my promise to you is this..



Manifest Your Best: The Program

1:1 Coaching with Veronica Edwards

Personalized Guidance

Inner Wounds to Self-Mastery

From Breakdown To Breakthrough

In this book, we will explore the concept of embracing uncertainty, understand its benefits, and discuss practical strategies to find strength and navigate through times of change. Sign up for the newsletter to receive it for free!

Free Tips on How to Embrace Uncertainty in Times of Change

Looking to Take Your Healing to The Next Level?

"The more I learnt from Veronica, the better understanding I had of my behavioral patterns and this has been invaluable to me. I learnt how to start putting myself and my needs first even when at times it felt uncomfortable. Overall, I have seen such a huge difference in myself and the way feel. 

For the first time in a long time, I am happy with who I am.

for noah — you can have, do & be anything you want

in loving memory of Jeffrey Edwards